Finished the limited load aspect of the Compiled types. Now even if you access a property like so:
console.Members["WindowHeight"] <-- the 'Members' will only encapsulate the WindowHeight property. The difference there is the indexer on the Members returns a MasterDictionaryEntry<IMember> instance instead of a property. The reason for this is in order to make the members dictionary work, I used a master/subordinate system where the Members Dictionary is the master dictionary and the sub-types (method, property, indexer, field, constructor, et al.) are subordinates of the master. When the Members property is requested, it is propagated with the reflection instances (along with a pair of the subordinate that contains that instance, so it can properly link back to the kind of element, i.e. property or field or so on). When a specific instance is requested, it connects with the appropriate subordinate and requests the fully qualified IMember, giving the subordinate the appropriate reflection object.

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