Been taking a break from the Parser aspects only to parse data of a different flavor.
L_00000: /* No Operation (0000) */ nop L_00001: /* Load Arg0 (0002) */ ldarg.0 L_00002: /* Load Int32 Constant Short Form (001F) */ ldc.i4.s 0x14 L_00004: /* Branch If Less Than Short Form (0032) */ blt.s L_0000A L_00006: /* Load Int32 Constant Short Form (001F) */ ldc.i4.s 0x14 L_00008: /* Unconditional Branch Short Form (002B) */ br.s L_0000C L_0000A: /* Load Int32 Constant Short Form (001F) */ ldc.i4.s 0x9 L_0000C: /* No Operation (0000) */ nop L_0000D: /* Call Method (0028) */ call MemberReference: Name = WriteLine, Signature = void (int32), Class=TypeRef: Name = Console, Namespace = System L_00012: /* No Operation (0000) */ nop L_00013: /* Return (002A) */ ret
This will help me in determining whether the output of the next phase is accurate: the linker/compiler.
I have a lot to learn still, but the quickest way to learn it is to do it.